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Pelanggan Masa Depan Anda Adalah Mesin

Selamat datang di mesin Konsep “pelanggan mesin” muncul dari renungan IoT terhadap segmen pelanggan yang menuntut perhatian. Entitas yang digerakkan oleh AI ini secara drastis mengubah lanskap konsumen dan strategi pengecer, pemasar, dan ahli teknologi di berbagai industri. Tidak seperti konsumen tradisional, pelanggan mesin secara aktif menganalisis data, mempelajari preferensi, dan melakukan pembelian yang selaras dengan kebutuhan dan kebiasaan konsumen manusia, sangat kontras dengan keputusa…
Pelanggan Masa Depan Anda Adalah Mesin

5 Bisnis AI Teratas yang Akan Dimulai pada Tahun 2024 Menavigasi Lanskap Bisnis AI

Perkenalan AI bukanlah sebuah tren, namun lebih merupakan peluang yang mengubah hidup. AI akan bertanggung jawab atas banyak jutawan yang berhasil mandiri. Saya merasa banyak orang terkaya di dunia memperoleh kekayaannya melalui menangkap dan memanfaatkan tren pada waktu yang tepat. Saya sedang menonton video yang menyebutkan poin ini bahwa kebanyakan orang yang kita tonton di YouTube sekarang menjadi kaya karena mereka mengikuti tren pada waktu yang tepat. Dia menyatakan hal-hal seperti Andre…
5 Bisnis AI Teratas yang Akan Dimulai pada Tahun 2024 Menavigasi Lanskap Bisnis AI

New Token Zync-era ZKDX

Introduction zkDX is a decentralized derivatives protocol of liquidity mode built on L2 networks, which supports the trading of crypto perpetual futures, foreign currency, stocks, and various innovative financial derivatives. With a range of cutting-edge and innovative features, zkDX offers superior security, exceptional liquidity, low transaction fees, and a wide selection of leveraged trading products. In the meantime, zkDX integrates LayerZero technology to build an Omnichain Aggregator of d…
New Token Zync-era ZKDX

Kana Labs Switch Testnet Trading Contest Announcement

Kana Labs, in partnership with EthosX, is excited to announce two consecutive trading competitions featuring our latest product, Switch. Following our recent announcement, we have launched a testnet competition for our new product, “Switch”. We have had a stellar response in the last few days from our community who expressed their enthusiasm for our new product by participating in our testnet where we received an overwhelming positive response and feedback. We’re excited to launch this competit…
Kana Labs Switch Testnet Trading Contest Announcement

The Loss

baby boy in a grubby t-shirt and a sodden diaper totters down a Los Angeles sidewalk. My husband and I are out for a walk on a Saturday morning, and there isn’t another person in sight. I pick the boy up. Wrap him in my arms. The kid is maybe 18-months old, and his diaper leaks onto my sweatshirt as we ring the doorbell at the nearest house. “Probably one of theirs,” the woman who answers says, pointing to a house across the street. We knock. After several moments the door edges open, revealing…
The Loss

Miracles of Probiotics

Probiotics are crucial to enhance food absorption and boost our immune system. Fruit enzymes help to lower cholesterol, maintaining blood alkalinity, preventing cancer and high in antioxidant. Moreover, they can be used as exfoliants for skincare or as organic cleaning agents. Fruit enzymes help animals and plants to absorb food and enhance their immunity too. Papaya Enzyme I have tried making grapes, dragon fruits, lemons, oranges, pineapple, apples, papaya and assorted fruit combinations enzy…
Miracles of Probiotics

Project Review and Next Steps — Review of the Trading Neural Network Project

Introduction In this final article of our series, we will review the key aspects of the trading neural network project and discuss the next steps you can take to further enhance your trading models and strategies. Project Recap Throughout this series, we have covered the following topics: Introduction to neural networks and their application in trading Data collection and preprocessing for forex data Feedforward, recurrent (LSTM), and convolutional neural networks Model validation, optimization…
Project Review and Next Steps — Review of the Trading Neural Network Project